
Monday, February 18, 2019

The drug control policy of the United States Essay -- Criminology, Dru

The dose control policy of the unify States has forever been a subject of debate. From Prohibition in the early 1930s to the trustworthy debate over the legalization of cannabis, drugs have always been near the drop dead of the governments agenda. Drug routine affects every part of our society. It strains our economy, our healthcare, our sorry justice systems, and it endangers the futures of progeny people. In order to support a unrestricted health approach to drug control, the Obama administration has committed over $10 billion to drug education programs and support for expanding access to drug word for addicts (Office). The United States should commit more government resources to protect against illegal use of drugs by youths and provide help for recovering addicts.The current situation of drug control in the United States is imperfect and inadequate. Millions of men and women, both young and old, are affected by illicit drug use. It costs the United States about $6,123 every second because of drug use and its consequences (Office). Moreover, 90 per centum of all adults with a substance use disorder started using nether the age of 18 and half under the age of 15. Children who first pot marijuana under the age of 14 are five measure more apt(predicate) to abuse drugs as adults than those who first use marijuana at age 18. Finally, the children of alcoholics are four times more likely to develop problems with alcohol (Prevent). Current legislation that has to do with the United States drug control policy is the dominateled Substances Act, which regulates the manufacture, importation, possession, use, and distribution of certain substances (Shannon). In 1966, Congress passed the somniferous Addict Rehabilitation Act also known as the NARA. This legislati... ...ww.csdp.org/cms/.Gandey, Allison. untested National Drug Control polity Includes More Prescription Monitoring. Medscape Today. sack up MD, 7 May 2010. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. .Manchikanti, Laxmaiah. National Drug Control Policy and Prescription Drug Abuse Facts and Fallacies. Pain Physician Journal 10 (May 2011) 399-424. Print.Office of National Drug Control Policy. The White House. USA, 1 Dec. 2011. Web. 8 Dec. 2011. .Prevent. The Partnership at Drugfree.org. The Partnership at Drugfree.org, 2011. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. .Shannon, Elaine. The War on Drugs A Losing Battle. Time.com. Time Magazine, 3 Dec. 2010. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. .Wyler, Liana. International Drug Control Policy. CRS Report for Congress (June 2008) 2-46. Print.

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